
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fun with Alpine

This has been one of the funnest weeks so far. Monday was classroom time, where we learned about our new team roles. I will be a CAPper. CAP stands for Corps Ambassador Program, and I, along with one of my teammates, will be responsible for setting up events to recruit new people to the program. We will go to events like career fairs at high schools and colleges to set up an AmeriCorps NCCC booth, and we will also set up our own info sessions at different places, post fliers, give out brochures and bumper stickers, and stuff like that. I was hoping for that role, and I'm really excited about it.
My other team role will be Portfolio Editor. After each project, the team has to turn in a portfolio to sum up our time there, what we accomplished, what we learned, etc. and me and a teammate will be the ones making sure it gets put together professionally and turned in in time.
In addition, for the first round, I will be the Food POC (point of contact) along with 2 other teammates. Which means we go to the grocery store with the TL and make sure we have the food situation under control and are keeping everybody happy and well fed.

On Tuesday, they took our unit to an indoor rock climbing center, where we got to spend the morning climbing our hearts out. It was a lot of fun, and a great workout. My arms are still sore.

Yesterday, we went to Rocky Mountain National Park. It took a couple hours to get there, and then we went on a nice hike, stopped at a waterfall to have lunch, and headed back.

Today we met with an FCO (Federal Coordinating Officer) from FEMA to talk a little more about our job. It was great hearing about what our role as Individual Applicant Assistants will be. I'm so excited to go to training in New Mexico and start working! He hinted that they would likely need us up on the east coast, but that tornado season is right around the corner and that could mean we would pick up and move if something were to happen. I think I may have mentioned this a couple times in every single post, but I'm really excited!!!

Now we have the rest of the day free to get started on prepping to go to New Mexico, and tomorrow is induction!!

Also, you'll notice that I finally got my pictures uploaded! Hopefully I'll keep 'em coming!

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